What is Anw shortfall pension?

When you die, in some cases your partner will receive a benefit according to the Dutch Surviving Dependants Act (Anw). The benefit depends on your partner's family composition and income. If your partner is eligible, the benefit is usually not enough to make a living.

The Anw shortfall pension is a fixed benefit for your partner after your death. This is a supplement to the partner's pension before the retirement date. Your partner will receive the Anw shortfall pension until he or she reaches the age of 68, or the Dutch state retirement age, if this is earlier. This is often also the time when your partner receives his or her own pension.

The Anw shortfall pension is insured on a risk basis. No value is built up. Whether the Anw shortfall pension is an interesting option for you depends on your personal situation.

Check your Pension 1-2-3 in mijn.nn to see whether Anw shortfall pension is part of your pension scheme.

What if my situation changes?

If your personal situation changes, it often has consequences for your pension. Read here what possibilities you have to make your own choices in specific situations.

Entering employment

In uw Pensioen 1-2-3 in mijn.nn leest u of Anw-hiaatpensioen standaard meeverzekerd is in uw pensioenregeling. Of dat u kunt kiezen om dit wel of niet mee te verzekeren. In het pensioenreglement ziet u wat de hoogte van dit pensioen is.

Personal contribution

Your employer determines whether you contribute to the premium for this pension. Your employer deducts this premium from your gross salary and pays it to us. You can see this withheld premium on your salary slip.

Communicate your choice

If you have a partner and you can choose to co-insure the Anw shortfall pension, please inform your employer of that choice within 30 days of our message about the start of your membership of the pension scheme. If you do so later, we can ask you questions about your health or have you undergo a medical examination. Based on the outcome, we may decide not to insure you for the Anw shortfall pension.

If Anw shortfall pension is co-insured by default and you can choose not to insure it, then please complete the ‘Anw shortfall pension’ change form with your partner. Inform your employer of your choice within 30 days of our message about the start of your membership of the pension scheme. If you do so later, we will charge a premium for the time that you have been insured.

If you now decide not to participate and you nevertheless wish to have Anw shortfall pension for your partner at a later date, we can ask you questions about your health or have you undergo a medical examination. Based on the outcome, we may decide not to insure you for the Anw shortfall pension.

Please note the following: If you start cohabiting, you must register your partner yourself with your employer or with us. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a marriage or registered partnership.

Leaving employment

The Anw shortfall pension stops when you leave employment.

There are two exceptions:

  • If you start receiving unemployment benefit immediately after your dismissal date, the Anw shortfall pension will remain insured for as long as you receive unemployment benefit. The level of the pension depends on the number of years that you were a member of this pension scheme and as a result is lower than when you were still employed.
  • If you are fully or partially occupationally disabled at the time when you leave employment, and we are paying your pension contribution at that time for the part for which you are occupationally disabled, your partner will remain entitled to Anw shortfall pension if you die before the retirement date. This applies to the part for which – and as long as you are – occupationally disabled. We take as a basis the level of the Anw shortfall pension on the day prior to your first day of sickness according to the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV).

Arrange it yourself

Avoid financial problems for your surviving dependants by taking out term life insurance with us or another insurer. Depending on your age and the insured amount, this can be done from a few euros per month.

Our term life insurance

Marriage or cohabitation

In your Pension 1-2-3 in mijn.nn you can see whether Anw shortfall pension is co-insured by default in your pension scheme, or whether you can choose to insure it or not. You can also see the level of this pension.

Personal contribution

Your employer determines whether you contribute to the premium for this pension. You can see this in your Pension 1-2-3 Your employer deducts this premium from your gross salary and pays it to us. You can see this withheld premium on your salary slip.

Indicate your choice

Indicate your choice If you can choose to insure Anw shortfall pension for your partner, inform your employer of your choice within 30 days of our message about the start of your partner relationship. If you do so later, we can ask you questions about your health or have you undergo a medical examination. Based on the outcome, we may decide not to insure you for the Anw shortfall pension.

If the Anw shortfall pension is co-insured by default and you can opt not to insure it, complete the ‘Anw shortfall pension’ change form together with your partner. Inform your employer of your choice within 30 days of our message about the start of your partner relationship. If you do so later, we will charge a premium for the time that you have been insured.

If you now decide not to participate and you nevertheless wish to have Anw shortfall pension for your partner at a later date, we can ask you questions about your health or have you undergo a medical examination. Based on the outcome, we may decide not to insure you for the Anw shortfall pension.

Please note the following: If you start cohabiting, you must register your partner yourself with your employer or with us. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a marriage or registered partnership.


If your relationship ends, your ex-partner will no longer be entitled to an Anw shortfall pension if you die. This is because this pension is insured on a risk basis. This means that no value is built up to divide between the ex-partners.

If Anw shortfall pension is co-insured by default for all employees in your pension scheme, it will remain insured for any new partner.

Remember! You must inform your employer or us of the termination of your cohabitation. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a divorce or the end of a registered partnership.

Occupational disability

If you do not work or work less due to occupational disability, the Anw shortfall pension will remain insured for your partner.

Waiver of contribution

If you have a ‘waiver of contribution in the case of occupational disability’, we will pay the contribution for that part for which you are occupationally disabled. This also applies to the Anw shortfall pension contribution.

The Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will inform us of any change in your occupational disability. This may have consequences for the contribution we pay for you.

Almost retired

The Anw shortfall pension insurance stops automatically on the retirement date. This is by default when you reach the age of 68. If the retirement age in your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan is lower, that lower age will count as the retirement age.

Choices around the retirement date

  • If you take early retirement, the insurance will stop on your chosen retirement date.
  • If you take semi-retirement, your partner will remain insured for Anw shortfall pension until you retire completely or until you turn 68, if this is earlier.
  • If you take deferred retirement, the insurance will stop when you turn 68.

Your partner will receive Anw shortfall pension if you die before the retirement date. Your partner will receive the benefit until he or she reaches the age of 68, or the Dutch state retirement age, if this is earlier. This is often also the time when your partner receives his or her own pension.

Anw shortfall pension is a supplement to the partner's pension before the retirement date. For the level of the partner's and Anw shortfall pension, go to mijn.nn, log in, choose your pension product and click on ‘Wat als ik … overlijd’ (What if I … die).

Remember! If you start cohabiting, you must register your partner yourself with your employer or with us. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a marriage or registered partnership.