What is guaranteed pension with Pension Click?

You build up pension by default because we invest for you. You use the value of your investments to purchase a pension benefit on the retirement date. The level of the pension benefit that you can buy is not yet known.

Pension Click allows you to purchase a guaranteed retirement pension and partner's pension after the retirement date. The level of these pensions is fixed and will no longer depend on investment returns. On the other hand, the pension is not adjusted in line with price increases (inflation). This means that your pension benefit may be worth less and you will be able to buy less with your benefit than you might expect now.

You can purchase a guaranteed pension in two ways:

  • With your defined contribution: you decide whether to immediately buy a guaranteed pension from some or all of the defined contribution. Your choice will then apply to all future contributions. You can adjust this at any time.
  • With the value of your investments: you decide when to buy a guaranteed pension with what portion of the value of your investments. With the investments of Paying in extra contributions and Pensioen Plus, you cannot buy a guaranteed pension.

Learn more about guaranteed pension

Check your Pension 1-2-3 in mijn.nn to see whether purchasing guaranteed pension is part of your pension scheme.

What if my situation changes?

If your personal situation changes, it often has consequences for your pension. Read here what possibilities you have to make your own choices in specific situations.

Entering employment

Would you like to know whether buying a guaranteed pension with the Pension Click is an interesting option for you? Then read about what you need to take account of when making your choice and see the calculation examples.

Leaving employment

When you leave employment, you can still buy a guaranteed pension with Pension Click with the value of your investments.

If you purchased a guaranteed pension with Pension Click during your employment, we will convert this into a lower retirement pension and a partner's pension that commences also if you die before the retirement date. We also do this if you buy a guaranteed pension with Pension Click after your employment.


If you do not wish to have a benefit for your partner if you die before the retirement date or if you do not have a partner, let us know within 30 days of leaving employment using the ‘Death benefit before the retirement date’ change form. Your retirement will then be higher.

If you opt now not to arrange a partner's and orphan's pension before the retirement date, you can change this option at a later time. In this case too, you do so using the change form.

Value transfer

You can transfer your guaranteed pensions to a new pension scheme, if a guaranteed pension is possible there. That is called value transfer. Our Pension Clarification Service explains whether or not this might be an interesting option for you. You can request a value transfer from your new pension provider.

Marriage or cohabitation

If you opt for Pension Click, you purchase by default guaranteed retirement pension and partner's pension after retirement. Having or not having a partner does not change anything.

No longer employed

No longer employed If you are no longer employed and you meet a new partner, we will convert your guaranteed pensions into a lower retirement pension and a partner's pension that commences also if you die before the retirement date.

Any partner's pension for an ex-partner will not be included of course.


If you do not wish to have your guaranteed pension converted, let us know using the ‘Death benefit before the retirement date’ change form. Your retirement pension will then increase and your partner will receive a partner's pension only if you die after the retirement date. Your partner must also sign the form.

Remember! If you choose this option and you die before the retirement date, there will be no benefit for your new partner, either at that time or from the retirement date.

If you opt now not to convert the pension, you can change this option at a later time. In this case too, you do so using the change form.

Remember! If you start cohabiting, you must register your partner yourself with your employer or with us. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a marriage or registered partnership. After your retirement date, it will no longer be possible to register a new partner for this pension scheme.


The statutory rules for the distribution of accrued pension (Dutch only) also apply to your guaranteed pensions.

Buying guaranteed pension from now on

Buying a guaranteed pension after the end of your relationship is for:

  • a retirement pension for yourself;
  • a partner's pension after the retirement date for any new partner

If you do not have a partner on the retirement date, you can convert the partner's pension into a higher retirement pension for yourself.

Remember! You must inform your employer or us of the termination of your cohabitation. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a divorce or the end of a registered partnership.

Occupational disability

Occupational disability has no consequences for having or buying a guaranteed pension.

Waiver of contribution

If you have a ‘waiver of contribution in the case of occupational disability’, we will pay the contribution for that part for which you are occupationally disabled. You may continue to use this contribution to buy a guaranteed pension with Pension Click.

The Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will inform us of any change in your occupational disability. This may have consequences for the contribution we pay for you.

Almost retired

The standard retirement age for guaranteed retirement pension is 68. If the retirement age in your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan is lower, that lower age will count as the retirement age.

Choices around the retirement date

  • If you take early retirement, you can no longer buy a guaranteed pension from the chosen retirement date.
  • If you take semi-retirement, you can continue to buy a guaranteed pension for the part for which you are still working, until you retire completely or until you turn 68, if this is earlier.
  • If you take deferred retirement, you can no longer buy a guaranteed pension from the age of 68.

If you do not have a partner on the retirement date, you can convert the partner's pension into a higher retirement pension for yourself.

For the level of your guaranteed pension benefit, go to mijn.nn and then follow these steps: Direct naar > Mijn pensioen bij Nationale-Nederlanden.

Learn more about retiring


With Pension Click you buy – in addition to a guaranteed pension for yourself – a guaranteed partner's pension for after the retirement date. Your partner will receive this pension if you die after retiring, or from the time that you would have turned 68 if you die earlier.

No longer in employment

If you left employment prior to the retirement date and you had a partner at that time, or if you informed us after leaving service that you had a new partner, we converted you guaranteed pension at that time into a lower retirement pension and a partner's pension that commences also if you die before the retirement date. That is unless you and your partner have opted not to convert the guaranteed pension. In that case, you will have sent us the 'Death benefit before the retirement date’ change form.

For the level of your guaranteed pension benefit, go to mijn.nn and then follow these steps: Direct naar > Mijn pensioen bij Nationale-Nederlanden.

Remember! If you start cohabiting, you must register your partner yourself with your employer or with us. Your municipality will automatically notify us of a marriage or registered partnership. After your retirement date, it will no longer be possible to register a new partner for this pension scheme.