Questions and answers about logging in with DigiD

Nederlandse versie

Do you accrue a pension with Nationale-Nederlanden through your employer? Or have you done so in the past? Then you can use DigiD to log in to mijn.nn to see your personal pension environment.

Have a question about logging in with DigiD or about what you see after logging in with DigiD? Then check below if your question is included.

Why do I only see my pension when I log in with DigiD?

When you log in to mijn.nn with DigiD, current laws and regulations only allow us to show you your pension. Would you also like to see your other product(s) with Nationale-Nederlanden? Then log out and log in again with your username and password. Or log in to the NN app and scan the QR code at

Do I need to create a mijn.nn account first to log in with DigiD?

No, this is not necessary. You can immediately log in to mijn.nn with DigiD. 

Why don't I see my health insurance when I log in to mijn.nn with DigiD? 

NN Zorgverzekering has its own personal environment. This is separate from mijn.nn for pensions, savings, mortgages or investing.

Why is it I can see my other products when I log into mijn.nn with my username and password or when I log into the NN app?
If you log in using a method other than your DigiD, we are allowed to show all your products on mijn.nn. This is because laws and regulations do not restrict this.
Why do I only see my pension documents under My Documents?

According to current laws and regulations, when you log in to mijn.nn with DigiD, we are only allowed to show you your pension and therefore only your pension documents. Would you also like to see your other product(s) and documents at Nationale-Nederlanden? Then log out and log in again with your username and password. Or log in to the NN app and scan the QR code at

Why do I see fewer products with a secure login method like DigiD than with my username and password?
Only organisations legally authorised to use citizen service numbers may use DigiD. These are government organisations or organisations with a public task, such as ministries and municipalities, pension providers and healthcare insurers. We may therefore only offer DigiD to log in to mijn.nn for your pension or your NN healthcare insurance, not for any other products you have with Nationale-Nederlanden.
Why can I only log in with DigiD for my pension or healthcare insurance? 
We may only offer DigiD as a login method for your pension or healthcare insurance, not for any other products you may have with Nationale-Nederlanden. This is because only organisations legally authorised to use citizen service numbers are allowed to use DigiD. These are government organisations or organisations with a public task, such as ministries and municipalities, pension providers and healthcare insurers. This is why only Nationale-Nederlanden Pensioen and Nationale-Nederlanden Zorg may offer DigiD to log in.
Can I access the NN app with DigiD? 
No, this is not possible. After activating the app, you can access it with your fingerprint, facial recognition or PIN.
Can I activate the NN app using DigiD?

No, this is not possible. Want to activate the app? Then visit ‘je mijn.nn-account koppelen aan de app’ (linking your mijn.nn account to the app).

Can I log in with DigiD if I live abroad? 

Did you already have a DigiD before you moved abroad? Then you can simply keep using it. Do you live abroad and do not yet have a DigiD? And do you have the Dutch nationality or the nationality of another country in the European Economic Area (EEA)? Then you can apply for a DigiD. Check to do so.

I’m not able to log in with DigiD, now what? 

You can only log in with DigiD if one of the following situations applies to you:

  • You accrue pension with us through your current employer
  • You have accrued pension with us through your current employer
  • You have accrued pension with us through your former employer and you have not opted for a value transfer to your current employer's pension provider.
  • You receive pension benefits from us.

Do any of these situations apply to you, but you can still not log in? Then see to see what might be the issue. Does this not solve the problem? Then please contact us.

I have another question about DigiD, where can I ask it? 

Go to DigiD's website under to do this. de website van DigiD bij 'Hulp & Contact' ('Help & Contact').

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