Are you considering purchasing a guaranteed pension under your investment-linked pension? This page contains information on what to think about when making your choice and provides some calculation examples.
As a rule, we invest the contributions for your pension. Do you want greater certainty about the amount of your pension? In that case, you can use (a portion of) your contribution to purchase a guaranteed pension with Pension Click. You can also do this with (a portion of) the value of your pension investments. Have you purchased a guaranteed pension? If so, this portion of your pension is certain. This means that we no longer invest this portion for you. Note! You cannot reverse the purchase of a guaranteed pension.
When you purchase a guaranteed pension, you also automatically purchase a partner's pension. The partner's pension is 70% of the old-age pension. In other words, for each €100 in guaranteed old-age pension that you purchase, you also purchase €70 in guaranteed partner's pension. This is what your partner will receive in the event of your death following your retirement date. When you retire, you can exchange (a portion of) the partner's pension for extra old-age pension.
The Pension Click provides you with certainty about the amount of (a portion of) your pension benefit. But with this option, you can no longer benefit from the possible results of the investments. The amount of your guaranteed pension is fixed. No account is taken of inflation and therefore the fact that money loses value over time. Consequently, when you retire you may find that you are not able to purchase as much with your pension as you expected.
If the interest rate is low, you will be able to purchase (far) less guaranteed pension than when the interest rate is higher. This is because the price you pay for a guaranteed pension strongly depends on the interest rate. As the interest rate is currently very low, it is now expensive to purchase a guaranteed pension. Therefore, your money will purchase little guaranteed pension presently.
View the calculation examples to get an idea of what purchasing a guaranteed pension can yield. The examples only deal with the old-age pension.
Imagine an employee is 50 years old. The value of the investments in his pension is €50,000. The employee wonders what purchasing a guaranteed pension may yield him. He wants to compare this with his expected pension if he allows 100% of his contributions to be invested up until his retirement date.
The employee subsequently invests in accordance with the ‘Index-tracking' type of investment with a 'Balanced' investment risk’. The higher-risk investments are reduced to 0% (fixed benefit).
If he has 100% of the value of the investments and the entire contribution for his pension invested from today up until his retirement date, this is expected to yield the following gross old-age pension:
Pension benefit | Gross per year | Gross per month |
Below expectation: | €4,929 | €401 |
As expected: | €9,615 | €801 |
Above expectation: | €19,776 | €1,648 |
If the employee purchases a guaranteed pension using €10,000 of the value of his investments in his pension scheme, this will yield €367 gross in guaranteed old-age pension per year. We will continue to invest the remainder of the value and the entire contribution. In total, he is expected to receive the following in gross pension from investments and guaranteed pension:
Pension benefit | Gross per year | Gross per month |
Below expectation: | €4,907 | €409 |
As expected: | €9,170 | €764 |
Above expectation: | €18,151 | €1,513 |
The employee wants to use 10% of the contribution each month to purchase a guaranteed pension. This is approximately €305 per year. In the 18 years between now and his retirement date, this is expected to yield him €288 gross in guaranteed old-age pension each year. For this entire period of 18 years, we are using the rate for the period from 1 November through to 15 November 2021. In reality, however, the rate is set afresh every two weeks.
In total, he is expected to receive the following in gross pension from investments and guaranteed pension:
Pension benefit | Gross per year | Gross per month |
Below expectation: | €4,902 | €409 |
As expected: | €9,373 | €781 |
Above expectation: | €19,173 | €1,598 |
For these examples, we have assumed that the following applies for the pension scheme of this employee:
For the purchase of guaranteed pension, the following applies in the examples:
The examples presented three expectations: ‘Below expectation’, ‘As expected’ and ‘Above expectation’. These expectations show what consequences the economy can have on your total pension benefit. The state of the economy can influence the amount of your pension. This is because we invest (a portion of) your pension money and due to the influence of interest rates, among other factors. Effectively predicting how the economy will develop is difficult. To give you a better understanding, we provide three amounts for your investment-linked pension. We have calculated these amounts in accordance with the calculation method prescribed by law.
Note: the amounts indicated next to ‘below expectation’ and ‘above expectation’ are not minimum and maximum amounts. There is a possibility that your pension benefit will be even lower or higher.
You can also increase the certainty of your pension benefit by taking fewer risks with your investments. In that case, your pension will probably be lower. In Investment choices in mijn.nn Financial Future, you can see what another investment choice will mean for your expected pension benefit. You can also see how much pension you can expect to receive if the economic circumstances are above or below expectation.
Even if your pension scheme offers the possibility to purchase a guaranteed pension, this is not always possible. This is the case in the following two situations:
If so, we would be happy to contact you personally to discuss what you want in order to draw up a suitable offer. If you would like to make use of this option, please send an email to with the following information: